Feminism Vs Feminity.

Uwakwe Cynthia
4 min readJun 23, 2024


Finding your ideal self as a woman.

Normally, most women become confused and wrapped up with emotions on what to become and who they are. Some society makes it feel like a woman has no place except under a man.

So I understand the ideology of wanting to own your own voice or speak your own language. Some women who would love to do some certain jobs or speak in a way that they feel safe are being shut up by society algorithm for a woman.

In most cases making women to demand for their own voice. That ability to be seen and heard for who they are and not for what society wants from them.

Generally, I believe that women are strong and are beautiful in their own way. Deserve to be heard and seen. And a woman doesn’t have to be under the shadow of a man. You can decide to shine irrespectively even while still being home builders and bringers of life. A woman should not be limited.

But, I don’t believe in feminism and that is why; I would define this two terms and explain it how well I understand it.

Feminism definition by Wikipedia states that:a

Is a range of socio-political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.[a][2][3][4][5] Feminism holds the position that modern societies are patriarchal—they prioritize the male point of view—and that women are treated unjustly in these societies.[6] Efforts to change this include fighting against gender stereotypes and improving educational, professional, and interpersonal opportunities and outcomes for women.

The above is Wikipedia definition which I equally agree to somewhere in the middle. From my understanding feminism is demanding equality to men in every ranking. I love women being in power, gaining education just as the saying goes; “Educate the girl child and educate a nation”. It shows that women are catalyst for revolution, and a great substance of change.

I don’t stand with the opinion that women need to be equal to a man inorder to be heard. Equality to women is unfairness but equity is a sense of justice.

A woman can’t equate a man because our build up is different. If we women wants justice, then the only thing we want is fairness. Cause being a woman is an entirely different job from being a man.

Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

A woman is feminine. Apart from the Physical endowment that makes us who we are, our ways of reasoning and physical strength differs.

Google defines Feminity which is an attribute of a woman;gracefulness, empathy, humility and sensitivity.

A woman doesn’t have to be equal to a man to be who she is or seen. There is no nation without a woman. So our roles can’t be over emphasized.

But when a woman demands for equality, it doesn’t mean she wants to be respected only but she wants to be treated as an equal to a man.

I don’t buy that ideology because men ought to be providers and a woman doesn’t need to share that responsibility. Is a man’s duty to protect and guide. Putting that much load on a woman can be too much.

My ideal opinion of a woman is that she doesn’t need to be maligned by society.

She is free to bring ideas to the smooth running of the society and home. A woman deserves all the support she needs and is not limited to just the home.

In nutshell, from my own context I will say it’s fair for a woman to own all the right and privileges of being a human.

Also has the right to demand how the trajectory of her life should be. But unfair when a woman wants the right of a man to be relegated to her.

Being a woman is beautiful but being a n equal takes away the beauty of our feminine prowess.

Photo by Prince Akachi on Unsplash

And I wish that women will begin to see the beauty in the way they are made. And their rights are not trampled on.

If you of similar ideology as mine, do leave claps for me. And if you have contrary opinion why you believe we should be equals to a man, do well to share your ideology with me on the comments section. Do well to click the follow button for more.

